The benefits of proximity coupled with a sustainable economic and social model

In town or in the countryside, Laiterie Coralis is committed to respect its neighbors. Since 1972 the Cooperative has been committed to an environmental approach; and in 2001 it became the first company to become ISO 14001 certified in Bretagne.

A carbon approach

The cooperative is now implementing a carbon approach throughout its production supply chain (producers and employees) to reduce energy consumption and waste.

At the farm, a methane eco-meter records the methane emissions saved through a more balanced diet of cows. Methane emissions are calculated from the milk fatty acid; This methodology has been validated by the Ministry of Ecology. 66 tons of carbon were saved in 2011, the equivalent of 20 million km.

Protecting Natural Resources


In the past 10 years, Laiterie Corlais has reduced its water consumption by 50%. The efforts to preserve water resources started in 1990 with the commissioning of a water-cleaning station to purify the effluents from milk processing prior to release into the natural environment and have been followed by continual investment in infrastructure and processes to limit the dairy’s impact on local water resources.


Dairy activities consume large quantities of energy in heating water systems used in milk sterilization processes and in the constant cleaning operations which keep equipments safe from health hazards.

Transportation of milk from the farms to the dairy is also a significant source of CO2 emissions.

Laiterie Coralis faces these challenges by:

  • Regularly updating its heating system; it recently equipped its gas boiler with a heat exchanger which recovers heat of the fume gases to pre-heat the water: 3% gas savings, and a burner which reduces C02 content of the fumes.
  • Investing in routing software to optimize the milk collection rounds to reduce the number of kilometers traveled and the fuel consumed
  • Training its tanker-truck drivers to eco-driving on a regular basis

Key dates:

– 2008 the Cooperative received the Sustainability Award category “Enterprise” awarded by the Brittany Region and ADEME, French state Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie.

– 2006: IFS accreditation. International Featured Standard (IFS) Food is a standard for certifying the safety and quality of food products and production processes.

– 2003: ISO 9001 certification – quality management system.

– 2001: ISO 14001 certification – Environmental Management System (EMS).